Okiyo Sora Bamboo Ball Pen


Bamboo has been used as a substitute for parts of this product which would usually be made from plastic or other synthetic materials. While it looks and feels like wood, the Okiyo Sora Ball Pen is made from bamboo, which is a type of grass. It grows incredibly fast and can reach full size in a fraction of the time it takes for a tree to grow. This makes it a highly sustainable material, which can be harder than oak, depending on the type and species.


    • material: bamboo & ABS
        • with black German ink




    • product has been pre-branded with the official Okiyo icon to authenticate that it is part of our eco-conscious collection.


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Championing Your Brand with Sustainable, Eco-Friendly Solutions

Limpopo Riverine Restoration Project

As an environmentally conscious company we have chosen to support the Limpopo Riverine Restoration Project in the Vhembe district of Limpopo Province. This project chooses to protect and replant areas of the riverine forest that has been destroyed and thus reestablish the important biodiversity of a riverine forest which includes the protection of special species like Pel’s Fishing Owl and Southern Ground Hornbill. Eco Promotions will support this project by donating 3% of every sale made to the Limpopo Riverine Restoration Project.